Products that have the interest of community as their core

Archita Roy
5 min readJan 22, 2023


“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”- Margaret J. Wheatley

Creating a product that has a community at its core is an excellent way to build a loyal user base, foster engagement and create a sense of belonging in a world that is rapidly changing and evolving.

Community-focused products are not only beneficial for users but also for businesses as they can increase customer retention, user-generated content, and word-of-mouth marketing. In recent years we have found how the products that focus on community have brought people together, created new opportunities and have played a role in shaping the world we live in today. They have also shown that when people come together, they can achieve great things and make a meaningful impact.

Products that focus on community have changed the world in several ways. Here are a few examples:

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have changed the way we communicate and connect with others. These platforms have created a global community where people can share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences, regardless of their location. They have also given a voice to marginalized communities and have played a role in social and political change.

Online marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, and Etsy have created a global community of buyers and sellers. These platforms have made it easier for small businesses and individuals to sell their products and services to a global audience. They have also created new opportunities for entrepreneurs and have helped to promote economic growth.

Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo have created a new way for people to raise money for their projects and ideas. These platforms have allowed individuals and small businesses to bypass traditional funding sources and have provided new opportunities for innovation. They have also helped to democratize the investment process and have given a voice to underrepresented communities.

Online learning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy have created a global community of learners. These platforms have made education more accessible and have provided new opportunities for personal and professional development. They have also helped to reduce the barriers to education and have played a role in closing the skills gap.

Gaming communities have been around for decades, with online multiplayer games, the gaming community has grown exponentially. These communities have created a new way for people to connect and interact with others, regardless of their location. They have also created new opportunities for social and cultural exchange.

In past years while working in one such organization that builds and fosters community strength, I identified the first step to building a product with a community at its core is to understand the needs and pain points of your users. Understanding your users will help you to design features that will foster engagement and create a sense of belonging among users.

The next step is to create ample opportunities for users to connect with each other when they need it the most in a post pandemic world. This can include creating forums, chat rooms, or social media groups. These platforms allow users to share their experiences, ask questions, and provide feedback. They also provide a space for users to connect with others who have similar interests, which can create a sense of belonging among users.

Another way to build a community-driven product is to encourage user-generated content. User-generated content can include reviews, photos, and videos. This type of content not only provides valuable insights into the product but also helps to create a sense of ownership among users.

It’s also important to provide incentives for users to participate in the community. This can include rewards, badges, or exclusive access to features. These incentives not only encourage engagement but also create a sense of accomplishment among users.

Having a community-driven product also has many benefits for businesses. For example, a loyal user base can lead to increased customer retention. Community-driven products also tend to have higher user-generated content, which can reduce marketing costs. Additionally, word-of-mouth marketing is more effective when a product has a strong community.

There are many successful examples of products with community at their core. One of the most popular examples is Reddit, a platform where users can share and discuss news and topics of interest. Another example is Stack Overflow, a Q&A community where developers can share their knowledge and ask questions. Both of these platforms have fostered a strong sense of community among their users, which has led to increased engagement and a loyal user base.

These are some valuable lessons that community-focused products can teach humans. By fostering connection, creativity, and learning, community-focused products can inspire individuals to make a positive impact in the world. Community-focused products often bring people from different backgrounds and cultures together, which can foster empathy and understanding. By interacting with people who have different perspectives and experiences, individuals can learn to understand and appreciate the perspectives of others. They often encourage creativity and innovation. For example, online marketplaces and crowdfunding platforms provide opportunities for entrepreneurs and small businesses to showcase their ideas and products. This can inspire individuals to think outside the box and pursue their own creative endeavors. Some such products can promote inclusion and diversity by creating a platform for underrepresented communities to connect and share their experiences. This can help to break down barriers and promote understanding and acceptance.

Now it’s interesting to see with rapid growth of Artificial intelligence, what we do with such products. It is difficult to predict exactly what will happen to community-focused products after the widespread adoption of AI, as it will depend on how AI technology is integrated into these community focussed products and how society chooses to use them. But I strongly believe AI can be used to personalize the user experience and make recommendations based on individual preferences. This could lead to a more engaging and satisfying user experience, as users are presented with contents more relevant to their interest. AI can be used to automate certain aspects of community-focused products, such as moderating and filtering user-generated content. AI could be used to analyze user behavior and engagement data to identify patterns and trends. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants could be integrated into community-driven products to provide personalized support and assistance to users.

Overall, building a strong community is the direction where we all are heading. Lets remember that humans are social creatures and products that make social connections stronger are here to stay.



Archita Roy

Musings about Product Management and the human stories around building technology products.